The sign of Aquarius isn’t just speaking to us—it’s yelling. The energy of radical change, shocking revelations, and unexpected shifts is now fully evident. With Pluto settling into Aquarius for the next twenty years, we are stepping into a profound era of transformation.
Whenever Pluto enters a new sign, it exposes the shadow material, forcing us to confront deep societal and personal truths. The initial phase can feel chaotic, but within a couple of years, we usually start grappling with the issues more skillfully. Think back to 2008–2009, when Pluto moved into Capricorn, a sign associated with government, business, and structures. That shift brought us the financial crisis, “too big to fail” banks, and a global recession.
So what does Pluto in Aquarius mean?
The Potential: Revolutionary progress, breakthroughs, inventions, equality, and expanded ways of thinking.
The Shadow Side: Chaos, unpredictability, detachment, dissociation, and a growing lack of empathy.
Many of us feel uneasy, ranging from discomfort with current government actions to full-scale panic about the future. I’m right there with you. It takes all of my spiritual conditioning to wake up each morning, breathe, find gratitude, and choose optimism. But this is how we keep going: by staying present, making a difference where we can, and focusing on what is within our control.
That’s why I continue to offer classes and workshops—sacred spaces where we can come together with love, compassion, and insight. Astrology offers a profound gift: the ability to see the world through the lens of cycles. When we recognize these patterns, we gain clarity on how long certain energies last and how to navigate them wisely. Similarly, developing your intuition can be an invaluable tool for making decisions in rapidly changing times.
Upcoming Learning Opportunities
March – A six-week class on Astrological Cycles begins, alongside an Intuitive Development class—both offering a beautiful chance to connect with like-minded souls and receive weekly insight and healing.
Upcoming Zoom Lecture – The Cracked Mirror: The Astrology of Narcissism with the Edmonton Astrological Society. If you love deep astrological psychology, you won’t want to miss this!
Nine Simple Ways to Stay Grounded
Breathe deeply.
Spend time in nature.
Be with your favorite humans in person.
Share love with your animal friends.
Remember: This too shall pass.
Take action—however small—to create the changes you dream of.
Hold positive visions of what we’re building, even when the Saturn within feels discouraged.
Prioritize self-care (physical & emotional) and Self-care (spiritual).
Be the LOVE.
We’re in this together. Let’s rise to the occasion with awareness, wisdom, and heart. 💜