As we step into another calendar year, I find myself asking: How can I be my best self, living fully in this magnificent, unpredictable world? Not resisting what is—though, of course, there are many things I wish were different—but choosing instead to cultivate acceptance, to be a grounded source of light and healing.
I see many of us in a period of reevaluation, committed to focusing on what truly matters and shifting our priorities.
As I reflect on the meaning of life, on goals and aspirations for the year, the passing of time brings clarity. I know I want more balance, deeper connections with friends, family, and kindred souls around the world. I want to make time for creativity, nature, and learning.
I’m keeping this New Year message brief, so you can feel my love and support—and then go pet your dog or cat, look up at the sky, and take a deep, nourishing breath.
Perhaps you’ll feel inspired to join one of my classes, attend a talk, or book a session. The workshop 2025-The Year Ahead is still available as a recording only if you want to understand the many major planetary changes ahead of us in a co-creative and empowered way. With this much astrological change, you’ll see way too much fear mongering on social media. Don’t fall for it! Life is intense, yes, but we can still choose to live consciously. Wherever your path takes you, I’m here to support you on this journey.
May you find joy in the small things. The big things may seem beyond our control, but if each of us embodies love and peace, we will eventually reach critical mass—and the tides will turn.
As above, so below.
As within, so without.
As the Universe, so the Soul.