Wisdom. Compassion. Transformation


You want answers. You have decisions to make.

Or maybe you just need to ground and relax into yourself, to receive a higher level view of you and your life.


I’m here to illuminate your path and clarify your options so that you can make empowered choices.

I want to help you discover your essence, and encourage you to trust in your own inner wisdom, so that you may live your life fully.

Diversity always.

Author of Soul Path Way

Gold bell from India with sparkling lights in background

About Kay

Grounded. Compassionate. Reassuring.

A natural clairvoyant and empath since childhood, I have an expert knowledge of astrology, and have developed and refined all of my psychic and energetic healing skills to create a unique experience for you that is illuminating and healing...

wooden boarwalk bridge to beach


I’ll give you the soul-centered overview and answer your specific, practical questions!

I offer a grounded approach to Evolutionary Astrology, illuminating your soul’s purpose and answering your questions. With energetic healing, we can dissolve old patterns to help you make decisions and follow through.

2 round stones balanced on each other


Evolutionary Astrology from the essentials through to relationship astrology, forecasting and so much more, plus Intuitive Development and Psychosynthesis — all of it infused with spiritual wisdom.

What do you want to learn? I offer webinars, weekly classes, lectures, private mentoring and one time workshops...

Classes. Workshops. Webinars. Retreats


You’ve come to the right place to learn about conscious, empowering astrology plus intuitive development, spirituality, psychosynthesis, or yoga philosophy. I offer private consultations for individuals and couples, online personalized classes, webinars, retreats and in person special events, whether you're new to all of this or are a professional astrologer or intuitive/healer

footsteps in sand at coast line

Learn astrology

Evolutionary Astrology classes include natal chart interpretation, transits, relationship astrology and much more. Become certified by Kay Taylor in Evolutionary Astrology—or take the astrology classes you’re drawn to for understanding your own life.

Kay Taylor yoga intuitive evolutionary astrologer Berkeley San Francisco area

develop your intuition

The Intuitive Saturdays class is now for mixed levels. You can develop accuracy and trust in your natural intuitive gifts. Some weekly Community (free) classes explore psychic skill too. Is this the time for you to cultivate your intuitive skill?

Green lake, blue sky, and red rock formations


Kay is a renowned teacher and mentor to professional astrologers. She lectures at major conferences, is President of both OPA— Organization for Professional Astrology and UAC2026, and is on the Board and faculty of Kepler College.


