If you read any astro articles at all, you know that the Big Deal is happening on January 12th. Pluto and Saturn will join in the sky. Pluto as Darth Vader and Saturn as the Grim Reaper sums up the negative storyline about this pair.

What is the truth?

We've been living with both of these powerhouse planets in the sign of Capricorn (mastery, building, accomplishment) for two years.

Pluto likes to destroy everything and rebuild something brand new from the ashes. Pluto is the cat who plays with the mouse for hours before finally letting it go to mouse heaven. Pluto exposes corruption, demolishes everything in its wake, and then creates something powerful and integral. Pluto holds all of the karmic wounds that keep us stuck and disempowered, but when we do the excavation work and face our fears, Pluto holds the key to our destiny.

Saturn is more like the remodeler. Also karmic in nature, Saturn represents our urge for long-term mastery and success. Saturn determines what needs to be released as non-essential, and makes sure we develop the discipline and fortitude to work hard to accomplish these goals.

It's best not to make the mistake of confusing the hard part of these planetary cycles--the pain, struggle, and discouragement--with their goal state.

Pluto and Saturn don't hate you, they just want you to mature, step into your power. You can do the work willingly, or you more or less will be dragged to your destiny.

Wherever we've been struggling in the past two years is the preliminary process of getting ready for the conjunction in January.

Are you ready?

If you are, you may find that life is coming together in deep and powerful ways. If not, you'll get more feedback about what still needs to be done. This is a 34-year cycle to create new structures within our worlds, personal and global.

The next conjunction in 2054 is in the sign of Pisces. Might we hope that this will be the alignment of compassion and consciousness?