Being Open Hearted in a Closed World

This is what we signed up for.

We all wanted to be here on planet Earth for the big change, the climate extinction, the end of the world as we knew it. #BlackLivesMatter. A time when wearing or not wearing a mask is a political statement. #MeToo. Waking up as the world goes down in flames and floods.

Why would we do this unless it has a decent chance of working? We are infinite souls with endless galaxies to manifest in. Why Earth? Why Now?

It seems to me this is a luscious challenge. It’s easy to be open hearted in a mountain retreat, birds and butterflies fluttering around, soft breezes blowing through shimmering leaves.

It is way more challenging to stay open-hearted in a world of pain and conflict. 

We are on the front lines of awareness and liberation, finding peace and acceptance in a closed world. A world that almost opened back up and now closes again. Endurance and fortitude are squeezed from our weary psyches. 

We are called to care for the vulnerable and unprotected in our society, to put our masks on, to breathe fully before helping those around us.

Two of the 2020 planetary cycles have launched. The restructure of power (Pluto/Saturn) and the transformation of wealth (Pluto/Jupiter). We watch the corruption exposed over and over again. It will take all year to end the old cycles and envision the future. The earthquake of life rattles all year, the cans and jars falling to the ground. We can’t put things back up on the shelves until we know if we even have shelves left standing. Maybe we have to build everything from scratch. That’s the message of Pluto, and he’s not done with us yet. 

And now Mars, the planet or war, action and self-orientation, is powerfully in its own sign of Aries from a month ago through into January. We are all likely to feel more angry and impatient than normal. We are challenged by endless restriction. Focusing this energy on releasing what we imagined life to be, and building anew, in whatever area of life this is in our personal charts, will be necessary. That and an extra dose of meditation, yoga, spiritual practice, baths, golf—whatever works!

The third cycle of 2020 gives me some hope—a sliver of innovation, technology, humanitarianism with Saturn/Jupiter. As we move into 2021 and beyond the order of the day is radical change. The revolution begins yet again, the upcoming air signs of Saturn/Jupiter cycles suggesting two hundred years of intellectual expansion. Words will matter. Research will count. I’m imagining we’ll see some pandemic treatments and economic programs launched as we head into 2021, easing some of the stress.

The history of pandemics is aligned with both the Saturn/Pluto cycles that began in January, a second launch in September, the Saturn/Mars cycle in March, and the Lunar Nodes in Sagittarius and Gemini. The Nodes suggest we will be in this challenging time to some degree until the end of 2021.

With these karma/dharma Nodes, on a personal level we’re all asked to release false beliefs, learn more and listen intently, integrating newly expanded and synthesized information.

I ask:

Where are our beliefs limiting us?

Can we soften the feeling we’re right and others are wrong?

How do we justify our actions or inaction with false narratives?

Where is the love, in every breath?

This year asks us to simply come back to the heart with compassion and acceptance of life as it expresses itself, moment by moment, smiling through masks, hugging through Zoom.