Advanced Intuitive Training
If you want to develop your skills, accuracy and trust in your intuitive wisdom, this is the class for you.
This is the fourth session of an ongoing group that meets by Zoom webinar every Saturday morning from 10 am to noon (Pacific time). There is a six week session commitment each time a new series starts but overall we prefer people who will stay through several sessions at least as we learn and grow together.
I will guide you to develop your unique intuitive gifts, including:
• clairvoyance
• channeling healing energy directly and from a distance
• psychosynthesis based Intuitive processwork
• connection with Spirit Guides
• spirit mediumship
• animal communication
• clarifying and healing meditations of many styles
• healing and empowering your nervous system
• compassionate counseling skills
• ethics and languaging
• the balance of intuition & spirituality
... and so much more
I had another ongoing group in this format for over five years. They are amazing!! Over time each one has focused on their unique career and calling and now integrates these skills with other professions, such as astrologer, psychotherapist, yoga teacher or coach. The accuracy and trust in their answers has been growing exponentially, and the connection they share with each other and ongoing out-of-the-classroom support is remarkable.When we're sensitive we often find ourselves alone in a sea of more "normal" people. These groups create a supportive community.
In this group you will receive individualized coaching, training and support, plus a warm, supportive circle of intuitive friends.In every meeting:
1) there will be a focused topic for learning and deepening, such as:
– connecting with different levels of guides
– reading questions from various perspectives — body, mind, Spirit — even if that’s not the direct question asked
– doing energetic healing work – distance healing and also psychosynthesis based therapeutic guidance
– clairvoyance, channeling, mediumship, empathing.
2) We practice giving readings and healings. Sometimes one person asks questions and everyone answers. Sometimes I break people into pairs (possible with the web technology we use to place people in dyads to talk privately). Sometimes I demo read/heal. Sometimes we get a “client” who comes on the call and the group offers a reading.
3) There is a safe, confidential container for personal sharing and support of the group.
You should have basic intuitive skills and be interested in developing clarity, accuracy and trust in your wisdom. If you're not sure if you're ready for this group, write to me. Or we can talk.
It is likely that this class series will allow you to offer intuitive work in combination with another healing modality as a profession, but that is not essential. You may use this group to develop your skill to live life more vibrantly, in alignment with essence.
Each class series is normally a six week commitment, and each class is two hours long. However, if you miss a week, you will receive the video recording, an audio recording and the notes.
You have a unique opportunity to sign up for this group while it is still relatively new. There is a minimum of six participants and a maximum of twelve.
If you have never done an intimate webinar like this before, you will be surprised. It's like being together in a room. Everyone has a video camera on; we can carry on conversations as if we're together. Psychic abilities work exactly the same over the airwaves, and the reality is as we are all spread throughout the world, distance intuitive and healing work is an essential skill to build a healing business.
When: Six Saturdays, beginning January 19, 2019
Time: 10 am to 12 noon Pacific time
Cost: $295 USD (sliding scale for non US economies and by request)